Are you tired, irritable, depressed, not sleeping well, having hot flashes, night sweats, or a decreased sex drive? If you answered yes to any of those, you may be suffering from a hormonal imbalance, which can affect men and women of all ages, not just those in andropause and menopause. Biodentical hormones are hormones that are biologically identical to those that your body naturally produces. The staff at Elite Health and Wellness Center are experts in hormone replacement therapy and specialize in natural bio-identical hormones.

A preferred method for administering these hormones is in the form of small pellets, the size of rice grains, placed painlessly under the skin. This method allows for safer transdermal delivery, which has been repeatedly shown in clinical studies to have fewer adverse side effects compared to oral administration and lasts for 3-5 months.

Our experience with hormone pellet therapy has demonstrated faster, better, and more complete relief of symptoms when compared to traditional oral hormone replacement therapy.

Pellets have a very high patient satisfaction rating. In fact over 95% of our hormone pellet patients continue with this form of therapy due to the better quality of life and improved sense of well being they enjoy. We invite you to come in and discuss natural bio-identical hormones. For more information on this topic please contact us.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a treatment for the symptoms of andropause and menopause that is becoming more and more sought after.  Bioidentical hormones have the exact molecular structure of the hormones naturally produced by the body.

  • Fewer side effects.  Since there are no added ingredients, and because the body can metabolize the bioidentical hormones in the same way it metabolizes the body’s own hormones, unpleasant side effects may be minimized.
  • Individualized Approach.  Bioidentical hormones, on the other hand, can be compounded according to each woman’s hormone profile, as determined by her physician, so that the lowest effective dose can be utilized.
  • Estrogen effects over 400 functions in a woman.

When it comes to the BioTE® Medical’s method of pellet therapy vs. synthetic hormones, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is the practical choice. Synthetic hormones are not identically matched to those made by the body, making them less effective and more likely to create adverse side effects than the bioidentical hormone pellets used by BioTE Medical. Our approach to hormone therapy has fewer and less severe side effects than synthetic hormone therapy. BioTE has helped thousands of people across the United States age healthier and live happier through our groundbreaking approach to hormone therapy, and we’d love the opportunity to do the same for you. Elite Health and Wellness is your local Certified BioTE medical provider on the Treasure Coast.

If you are trying to decide whether you want BioTE method of hormone therapy vs. synthetic hormones, know that there is really no comparison.

  • Synthetic hormones are not identically matched to the hormones created in your body, which can cause more problems than they solve, while BioTE’s hormones offer a closer match to your body’s hormones.

With all of the side effects that go along with synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormone pellets from BioTE Medical are the more informed choice. We never use synthetic hormones and hormone therapy is customized to your needs. Since every insertion we perform uses bioidentical hormones, every part of the pellet used in the BioTE method of pellet therapy is dissolved and there is nothing left over.